孫 東芳
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.7, pp.217-232, 2017-11-30

Shimoda Utako (1852-1936) and Tsuda Umeko (1864-1929) were pioneers and important representatives of Japanese women's education in the Meiji and Taisho eras. Both women were engaged in numerous educational activities, including writing and teaching. However both differed greatly in their styles. Shimoda Utako and Tsuda Umeko established 'Jissen Girls' School' (now Jissen Women's University) and 'Joshi Eigaku Juku' (now Tsuda University) respectively. Based on these two schools' educational principles and their process of establishment, this dissertation will compare the educational policies put forth by the Meiji government with the changes of thinking relating to social education, in order to investigate the relationship between women's education and the Meiji government. Namely, it will assess the degree of participation and the impact of the Meiji government on these two female educators' development and their educational causes. The relationship between these two female educators and the Meiji state shall also be analyzed. This dissertation will focus on the early period of the establishment of schools (the late 19th century), when female educators generally complied with the needs of the Meiji state.
張 麗山
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.1, pp.191-208, 2013-01-31

This paper examines the origin of belief in Tugong from Zhongliu(the god of earth) and the earth taboo. It also considers the relationship between Tugong and Taisui, which is regarded as the deity of the earth taboo in later ages. The belief in Zhongliu originated from an ancient belief in the earth, but it became an abstract concept under the influence of wuxing. On the other hand, the earth taboo can be traced back to the yueling (rules for farming), which were mystified by the ying-yang principle and wuxing. Also, the origin of belief in Tugong was closely related to the popularity of chenwei (mythical thought) and witchcraft. The original character of belief in Taisui was about direction rather than the earth taboo.
任 夢渓
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.4, pp.99-111, 2015-02-28

When speaking of Confucian thought on women, words like “男尊女卑”(Manis superior to woman)and “三従四徳”(Three Obediences and Four Virtues)might be recalled immediately. They are regarded as the feudal dross thatoppressed Chinese women for three thousand years. For example, ChenDongyuan (1902-1978)once said that it was “男尊女卑” that made womenbecome the slaves and toys of men, and that was the product of Confucianism.However, such opinion was born in the context of social revolution, and usingthe modern concept to judge the values of old times is prejudiced, in myperspective. Therefore, this paper will discuss Confucian thought on womenwritten in the Book of Rites (『礼記』), which is considered to be the beginningof girls’ education, to learn the creed of Confucianism on teaching women at thatearly period.
黄 逸
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.7, pp.319-336, 2017-11-30

Japanese research on the Iwakura Mission can be divided into two stages, namely that of pre and post Second World War. The work of the pre-war period focused on the two fields of diplomatic and economic history. The post-war period has shown much more diversification and internationalization, especially in the field of comparative history of thought and cultures. Research into the Burlingame Mission to the late Qing China began in the United States, and also included the results of Japanese scholars. Research into the history of China-US relations undertaken in the People's Republic of China have also born fruit. Chinese scholars have made achievements building upon the work of their American counterparts. Recently a new "shared history" approach, aimed at reinterpreting the history of China-US relations has attempted to provide a completely new and transnational historical approach to the study of the Burlingame Mission. This paper will investigate the various secondary literature on both the Iwakura and Burlingame Missions in order to understand the historical development of research in this area.
村上 敬
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.65-82, 2015-11-01

Research about Japanese paintings from after the mid-Edo period has recently been criticized as valuing Western culture over and above Chinese culture. At the root of the problem lies a dichotomy between Japan as being leader of Asia and the West in the two-dimensional world view of early modern Japan. Such criticism can be aimed at research about Maruyama Ōkyo, who was one of the most representative painters of Edo period Japan. In this paper I discuss Konoe Iehiro, who was a court noble with indirect ties to Ōkyo and who was also fond of the latest Chinese imports at that time. He imported the latest Chinese paintings from the Ryukyu islands, predating the arrival in Japan of Shen Quran. I elucidate the fact that Ōkyo was supported by Iehiro’s salons that recognized the importance of replications of paintings by Sun Yi and others. Just prior to Ōkyo’s birth, there was a revival of the Song and Yuan periods’ painting style. As a result, Shen Quan came to Japan, creating the foundation upon which the shasei-ga of Ōkyo could be accepted by the art world of that time. In other words, an interest in and understanding of paintings from a variety of regions already existing in Kyoto in the middle of the Edo period does not readily fit within today’s accepted framework of Japanese art history.
趙 思倩
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.147-173, 2015-11-01

Before Japanese green tea gained access to the American market, Chinese green tea essentially held a monopoly over the entire U.S market. Without any doubt China at that time was the major exporter of green tea to the U.S., with a market share of more than 90%. However, since the introduction of Japanese green tea into America in 1868, the predominant position of Chinese green tea became weakened. As Japanese tea began to share the market with Chinese tea, the competition between these two countries became more and more fierce, reaching its peak in the 1880s. New York and San Francisco were the largest trading ports in the U. S. and a large amount of imported tea was traded and transferred there. This paper, through examining a report of the Japanese Consul to the U.S., will examine the competition between Chinese green tea and Japanese green tea at these two ports
日並 彩乃
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.3, pp.21-40, 2014-09-30

The study of Reizei Tamechika’s Buddhist paintings is just as important as the study of his Fukko Yamato-e(restoration of Japanese painting). Fukko Yamato-e was a movement at the end of the Edo period, focused on the restoration of a traditional style of Japanese painting based on the masterpieces of the Heian and Kamakura eras. While Tamechika’s work is associated with the Kyokano area, he also produced many Buddhist paintings through his personal connection with Gankai. Tamechika also learned the archaic style of Buddhist painting of the Heian and Kamakura periods. However, seeing as Tamechika was born in Kyokano, it is possible that his Buddhist paintings were also influenced by his hometown. In this paper I will discuss the tradition of Yamato-e of the Kano school, from Sanraku to Eigaku and Eisho, and then Tamechika at the end of the Edo period. I wil also look at the changes that can be seen in Tamechika’s Buddhist painting.
梁 紫蘇
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.1, pp.379-389, 2013-01-31

Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931), arguably the most famous entrepreneur of modern Japan, lived through four epochal periods of Japanese history: the end of the Tokugawa, the Meiji, Taisho, and first years of the Showa eras. Shibusawa played a decisive role in a number of fields in the modernization of Japan, including politics, economics, culture, and social welfare. In the wave of modernization that swept Asia in the early nineteenth century, Shibusawa served as retainer during the bakumatsu, as official in the Meiji government, businessman, philanthropist, and non-official diplomat. This paper examines the germination of Shibusawa’s view of Japan’s foreign affairs.
猪瀬 あゆみ
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.8, pp.3-19, 2018-11-30

東アジアの言語と表象 (East Asian languages and Representations)This paper looks at the artistic works of The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Yosa Buson (1716-1783). Three scrolls and one folding screen are extant. Buson completed these works, which were inspired by the famous prose and verse collection by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), The Narrow Road to the Deep North, in the late 18th century, when a revival movement of Basho's poetic style was flourishing. There has unfortunately been a dearth of serious or detailed academic discussion on the relationship between Buson's paintings and his accompanying calligraphy. This research paper puts forward the proposition that these works differ from other artists' output, with particular emphasis being placed on his "The Trio of Poetry Calligraphy Drawing" in the Edo Era. Through a painstaking examination of each work, this paper seeks to clarify how the composition of the paintings and the calligraphy help form a harmonious whole.
亀井 拓
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.2, pp.299-320, 2013-12-01

This short paper delves into one of the sources that reveal Chen Duxiu’s(1879‒1942) world view. Xiaoxue Wanguo Dili Xinbian was published as a geographical textbook used in elementary schools, and it was also one of Chen’s earliest writings, finished in 1902. For Chen, geography, especially human geography (political geography) in Japan and China, meant not only knowledge of foreign countries and of the relationships between human beings and nature, but also as a means to teach native people about national crises and Westerninvasion. Since this book is written rather than translated by Chen Duxiu, many of his own ideas are visible therein. What kind of geographical knowledge did Chen choose to accept? Where did it come from? How did he delineate the world with the knowledge? These questions are important and, arguably, serve as the key to Chen Duxiu’s later thought.
日並 彩乃
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.2, pp.81-105, 2013-12-01

This work sets out Yamato-e of Kyo Kano. Fukko yamato-e did not appear suddenly at an end of Edo era. They built this movement upon Yamato-e in early modern period. Fukko yamato-e is the restoration Yamato-e painting. Late Edo era, they learned the Yamato-e masterpieces of the Heian and Kamakura era in order to revive the past Yamato-e. This movement was begun by TANAKA Totsugen, was succeeded by his pupil UKITA Ikkei or REIZEI Tamechika. Totsugen and Ikkei learned Yamato-e in Tosa school. And Tamechika learned Yamato-e of Kyo Kano. Edo Kano did work about the Tokugawa Shogunate. On the other hand, Kyo Kano worked about the Toyotomi administration in Kyoto. Kyo Kano was began with Sanraku, was continued by Sansetsu, Einou, Eikei, Eihaku, Eijo, Eiryo, Eishun, Eigaku, Eisho, Eijo, Eisho. In this paper, I reveal the tradition of Yamato-e of Kyo Kano from Sanraku to Eigaku and Eisho, also Tamechika in an end of Edo era.
横山 俊一郎
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.3, pp.125-139, 2014-09-30

Yamada Kodo was a graduate of Kaitokudo, a private educational academy in Osaka, Japan. As a politician he became involved in the educational administration of Shikama prefecture during the Meiji Restoration, and as a manager, he made eff orts to promote the local sericulture industry. This paper will focus on the relationship between Kodo and Hakuen-juku, another private educational institution based in Osaka.
董 伊莎
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
no.7, pp.167-184, 2017-11-30

This paper discusses the historical development of the Rei ritual by examining the records dealing with rites. Next, utilizing the theories of religious studies and sociology, the existence of Rei, which was not included in the ancestral worship system nor in the traditional Confucian set of values, shall be analyzed structurally. As a result of this analysis it is shown that Rei rituals were regarded as vulgar folk religion. This view may have resulted in the lack of written records in official histories and manuals of rites. This paper also discusses the interaction between the state and the popular level of religious life. It is shown that Rei rituals were very popular among the common people and sometimes acted as models of governance in local societies. Furthermore Rei rituals included ideas about the salvation of the dead that shares commonalities with other organized religious beliefs. Because this it can be seen that both upper and lower levels of society held similar ideas regarding death.
李 暁辰
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.2, pp.185-201, 2013-12-01

Keijō Imperial University was Japan’s sixth imperial university and first imperial university to be built outside Japan proper. In 1928 Taipei Imperial University opened with two faculties, the faculty of literature and politics and the faculty of agriculture and science. In this paper I analyze modern Sinology at Keijō Imperial University in Seoul, Korea, and Taihoku Imperial University in Taipei, Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era. First I describe the mission, ideology, and roles of the first presidents of both imperial universities. Next I elucidate the characteristics that distinguish the organization of these imperial universities between 1872 and 1879 from other imperial universities. Finally, I discuss the professors who were in charge of courses on Chinese philosophy at both universities, including the structure of the courses and the human network involved. Using this approach of tracing the flow of modern academic knowledge of Chinese philosophy, I will follow the trends from the imperial universities of Japan to those of Korea and Taiwan.
李 暁辰
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
no.2, pp.185-201, 2013-12-01

Keijō Imperial University was Japan's sixth imperial university and first imperial university to be built outside Japan proper. In 1928 Taipei Imperial University opened with two faculties, the faculty of literature and politics and the faculty of agriculture and science. In this paper I analyze modern Sinology at Keijō Imperial University in Seoul, Korea, and Taihoku Imperial University in Taipei, Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era. First I describe the mission, ideology, and roles of the first presidents of both imperial universities. Next I elucidate the characteristics that distinguish the organization of these imperial universities between 1872 and 1879 from other imperial universities. Finally, I discuss the professors who were in charge of courses on Chinese philosophy at both universities, including the structure of the courses and the human network involved. Using this approach of tracing the flow of modern academic knowledge of Chinese philosophy, I will follow the trends from the imperial universities of Japan to those of Korea and Taiwan.東アジアの思想と構造
村上 敬
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.65-82, 2015-11-01

東アジアの言語と表象Research about Japanese paintings from after the mid-Edo period has recently been criticized as valuing Western culture over and above Chinese culture. At the root of the problem lies a dichotomy between Japan as being leader of Asia and the West in the two-dimensional world view of early modern Japan. Such criticism can be aimed at research about Maruyama Ōkyo, who was one of the most representative painters of Edo period Japan. In this paper I discuss Konoe Iehiro, who was a court noble with indirect ties to Ōkyo and who was also fond of the latest Chinese imports at that time. He imported the latest Chinese paintings from the Ryukyu islands, predating the arrival in Japan of Shen Quran. I elucidate the fact that Ōkyo was supported by Iehiro's salons that recognized the importance of replications of paintings by Sun Yi and others. Just prior to Ōkyo's birth, there was a revival of the Song and Yuan periods' painting style. As a result, Shen Quan came to Japan, creating the foundation upon which the shasei-ga of Ōkyo could be accepted by the art world of that time. In other words, an interest in and understanding of paintings from a variety of regions already existing in Kyoto in the middle of the Edo period does not readily fit within today's accepted framework of Japanese art history.
石田 智子
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.2, pp.47-59, 2013-12-01

東アジアの言語と表象This thesis focuses on the blank space in the paintings of Kano Tan'yu, especially "Illustrated Mirror of Chinese Emperors" from the paintings of the Nagoya Castle Jorakuden that are referred as good examples that has the characters of the Kano Tan'yu's style. The paintings of Kano Tan'yu have broad blank space. I argue that they were useful for painters when they produced many paintings and combine figures and scenes on paintings. Moreover, I insist that Tan'yu painted less motifs for his pupils tracing them easily.
張 岑
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.249-262, 2015-11-01

研究ノートIn the 17th century, All Men Are Brothers (水滸伝), was introduced to Japan alongside other popular works of Chinese fiction. All Men Are Brothers gained enormous popularity among its Japanese readership. The Japanese even created their own fiction based on the original. All Men Are Brothers is still popular in Japan today. It has been reinvented into various forms in order to match contemporary tastes, and this includes comics. This paper investigates the first Japanese comics based on All Men Are Brothers, known as Suikoden (水滸伝) in Japanese and written by Yokoyama Mitsuteru (横山光輝). The author will focus on the structure and characters of All Men Are Brothers in order to clarify the relationship between Suikoden (水滸伝) and the original text.